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Crochet Patterns

Crochet made articles really look cool and fascinating. This is a damn old tradition which dates back to the centuries, and the biggest reason of its survival is the emotional attachment of the people with the crochet made articles. Because this happens to be something that is made with one’s own…

Crochet Animal Patterns

I don’t know why I have a strange feeling affiliated with the crochet craft. whenever I see some of the art crafts…
There was time when crochet creations were on the top of art creations. Accessories made with crochet used to be the best thing that could be done for your loved ones. This was literally a symbol of love and care to make something so special with your own hands using crochet pins for your loved…
My better half always loves to collect stylish hand bags usually made of leather. They also prove to be pretty expensive for my tiny pocket. But have you ever seen some crochet bags? If not, then this is a misery. Rather I would say that you are not essentially up to date in the matter of fashion.…