Creative Ideas for Glass Jars


These glass bowls or mason jars are so pretty common in our lives. The life we are living is sort of robotic life, we have canned foods, sliced and canned fruits, and many other daily use accessories come in these glass made jars. They carry various products, sometimes they are chocolate candies, sometimes some delicious deserts, and sometimes some other yummy stuffs. So in short we all have these glass jars at home in bulk due to their never ending supply in the shape of edibles. Let’s work on some creative ideas using the same glass jars.

glass jars recycled candles

We have mainly used them as a decoration piece replacing some old fashioned chimes that seemed a bit out dated. So we just thought to spice up the interior of room with these glass jars. Putting on a purple ribbon all around in the middle, and by putting in purple flowers, this hanging vase turned to be a smashing art craft.
glass jars decor art

This time we are going to do something pretty compassionate for the ladies looking after the kitchen, they were always messed up with their spices. We have just put the spices in transparent glass jars that have made their task much easier than ever before.
glass jars crafts

Here we have taken some best possible care of our kid’s accessories that they use while making their home assignments. Color pencils, markers, scissors and all the stuff they need while working is very smartly arranged individually and separately in these glass jars.
glass jars crafts for kids

And lastly these unique photo frames are meant to do something extra for your childhood memories. We just thought that you would have become tired of same traditional carved wooden frames, so we pasted the photographs straight away inside the glass jars. This would be a totally new and exciting experience for many out there.
glass jars photo frames glass jars for kitchen uses glass jars reused glass jars recycled glass jars candle crafts