Recyclable Trash Cans with Plastic Bottles


There is one major difference between humans and animals, and that is discipline and cleanliness. So this is a basic and distinguishing feature for human beings. And from all the perspectives, it is always advised to maintain cleanliness whether it is your home, your office, or even your street. A street having more arrangements and trash cans show the civilization of its inhabitants. Just to be a support in this specific matter, we have a genius plan with us. We are going to recycled some huge trash cans with plastic bottles, which due to their size could be used indoor and outdoor as well.

recycled trash can with plastic bottles

From a distant look this would look like a painted wood barrel, but actually this is a gigantic trash can that we have all made using the plastic bottles. We have made various other items with plastic bottles, but probably this one is the most important.
plastic bottles trash can

This is again some mega trash can which is again created using similar sized plastic bottles. We have combined the plastic bottles in the reverted manner, and on the base there is something written for the indication. This would be perfect when used somewhere outside.
plastic bottles trash bin

Again this is a round trash can recycled with plastic bottles. We have also tagged a sign boards on the top just to indicate that this is a recycled trash can so you must use it to maintain cleanliness all around. Different colored bottles are used but same in size.
plastic bottles recycling art

And lastly this is certainly the best thing did with trashed empty bottles of coke. The bottles are actually fixed on a pre made metallic frame that would help them stay intact. You can easily put it outside without any fear of theft. As you have spent nothing on it but your skills and creativity only.
plastic bottles waste bin plastic bottles recycling idea plastic bottles waste basket plastic bottles recycled trash can