Old Doors Repurposed Fences

Throughout the ideas and DIY projects offered in this website, the main focus has remained on repurposing or upcycling the trashed or dumped stuff. The main reason behind this is the theory that compels us to use the stuff for different purposes, due to the limited resources of the world. In the same perspective, we are here with the idea of repurposing the old doors as outdoor fences.

In our daily life, we witness the traditional wooden fences made from posts which are connected by boards, wire, rails or netting, short in height making the exposure high. They are costly according to the kind of wood. Still they do not serve the purpose completely. As they are used to enclose a specific area. This fence is certainly different from a wall having no solid foundation along its whole length. The idea which we have come up with is to repurpose the old dumped doors into stylish vintage fences.

Everyone of us replace the old doors with new ones, and the older ones are just dumped or thrown away. So instead of wasting them, join them together placing straight upward like a sheet, make a unique and different fence that is more personalized. It would also lessen up the exposure of your inside view to the outsiders, and its vintage look is also a great addition to your premises. These fences repurposed with old doors are also a statement of your love for art, and the individuality of your ideas.

Old Door Fences Old Doors Fences Ideas Old Doors Fences Old Doors Garden Fences Old Doors Recycled Old Doors Repurposed Fences