Mason Jar Decor Crafts


Mason jars are glassy objects usually used as containers of some perishable and non perishable things. They vary in size shape and thickness. Every one of use has these mason jars at our homes. The moment we are done with the product inside these jars, we intend to just trash them away. But as you know, the motto of our website is the recycling of such ordinary house hold products. So today we are going to work on mason jar décor crafts. Decoration is essential for your home as it appeals a lot to your aesthetic sense. Here in the very first mason jar decor craft we have painted a mason jar with the water based color. This royal paint design has enhanced the beauty of the jar. You can use it to preserve candies, dry fruit, spices or whatever you want to.

Mason Jar Decor Art

While in the next decor craft the mason jars are painted as light golden color entirely. And then they are filled with some freshly cut flowers. These mason jars are filled with distilled water so that the life of flowers is increased. You can also use artificial flowers instead of real flowers to have a permanent decorative vase for your home interior. This trio of beautiful vases is a real attraction for your home interior.
Mason Jar Art

Now switching towards the next project of the day. The same glassy mason jars are once again painted and decorated with different stuff like water based colors in very artistic designs. And they are filled with tiny candles. These mason jars are turned into fine candle containers. They hold such an intoxicating view that they would lit up your mood and make you romantic and motivated. This decor craft is a mood enhancer. So do not under estimate these ordinary mason jars.
Mason Jars Lighting Art

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